When your computer begins to slow down, unresponsiveness and take time to load, it becomes stressful. Fixing a slow computer and speeding it up can be a daunting proposition, but it’s not. 

In this article, we will tell you ‘How to check the performance of your PC and how you can Speed Up your PC’

It’s inevitable that all computers will experience slower speeds at some point. As software becomes more demanding, the way in which your PC reacts to these changes can have a big impact on its performance.


Performance Monitor (PerfMon) is a tool that comes built-in with Windows and allows you to look into the performance of your system and the applications that are running on it.

Its reporting features determine what’s causing your PC to slow down.

  • Want to access Resource and Performance Monitor open Run and type PERFMON.
  • Performance monitor will open.
  • Now, Go to Data Collector Sets > System. 
  • Right-click System Performance then click Start.
  • It will take a 60-second test. 
  • After this test, go to Reports > System > System Performance to view the results.

This report will noticed high CPU load from the top process running, here you can see it is the Google chrome.

Who is stressing the PC out.

If you want to know more about the report then check the subsection, these diagnostic tools can give you a more detailed explanation.


There are so many ways that you can use to check the speed. Here’s some steps that you can take.

PC Settings

Sometimes PC settings can become the trouble of optimal performance.

Take your power settings,


If you switch it to high performance it can give your PC the boost and it will run faster.

  • First, Open Control Panel and click on View by: Category.
  • Go to Hardware and Sound > Power Options. Here select High Performance.

Slow on Startup

Whenever you switch on your PC some programs will automatically start to run in the background. And When your PC gets slow during boot up it’s mean it get stuck because of those application that is running in the background. 

  • First, Click right then Start.
  • Then you have to select the Task manager.
  • When you Go to the Startup tab. You will see some programs are running in the background when you start your computer.
  • Here you can disable those applications that you don’t use frequently.
  • On an unnecessary app, click right and disable it. Then it won’t run during startup.

Slow Internet

If the slow internet is the issue and you should turn off one drive. It will be really helpful.

OneDrive gives you one place to store, share, and sync your work. But sometimes this can reduce your internet speed. This same rule can apply to other cloud-based services like Dropbox.

  • First, Go to your System Tray and then click right on the OneDrive icon. 
  • Click Settings.
  • Under this tab, just untick the this option ‘Start OneDrive Automatically When I Sign In to Window’ option.
  • It will let you also choose to unlink your OneDrive by clicking Unlink OneDrive.

Full Hard Drive

Several components of a hard disk drive can make it slower or faster, which makes your computer run slower or faster overall. Those files that you don’t need can be automatically deleted by this. So there will be no storage problem.

  • Go to Windows Settings > Storage. 
  • Now, Turn on Storage Sense to activate the feature.
  • Clicking on ‘Change How We Free Up Space Automatically’ will give you control over how frequently it deletes files.

Windows Troubleshooter

When nothing works, then, all you need is a window troubleshooter. It will give you the exact problem.

  • Open Control Panel and go to System and Security > Security and Maintenance. 
  • Expand the Maintenance section.
  • Now, See under the automatic maintenance subsection, and click Start Maintenance.


Hope now you have learned How To Check The Performance Of Your Pc And Speed It Up. But if you still have some doubts ask the questions, and we will revert.