Why is my Computer Slow after Installing an Antivirus?

There’s an old theory that antivirus can slow your computer down by 50%. While this may have once been true, it’s no longer a reality. However, your antivirus will have some effect on the overall speed of your device.

It’s frustrating when you arm your computer with security tools and then the speed takes a nosedive. While your first instinct might be to uninstall your antivirus or anti-malware protection, but don’t do it! 

It’s possible to diagnose the problem and make small changes to resolve the speed issues.


When your scan is done and how often it is done, the antivirus program will allow you to change, for example: Time of the day, and day of the week. 

Every antivirus program is different. To help you change the scan frequency, some general steps are provided.

  • Right click the icon associated with the antivirus program and open the antivirus program’s console.
  • In the menu, Open properties, settings, control center or something similar.



You can open the console by double clicking the antivirus program icon.

  • Here, you need to search for the option to update the scan schedule.
  • it’s name should be ‘Scheduler’ or something like that.
  • Maybe you will find this option in a setting or advance setting section.
  • Now, Modify the scan schedule to a frequency of your choosing by the current scanning schedule. 
  • To keep your computer protected against virus threats, We recommend the scan run at least once every two or three days.


By following the steps below, the AVG antivirus program can scan the schedule. 

  • On the window notification area, right click the AVG icon.
  • Now, Select the Launch Test Center.
  • Here under the scheduled task you can adjust how and when your scan will run.
  • Double -click the scheduled task, click Edit Schedule, and uncheck the box to disable the daily scan.



The amount of computer memory that is used during the scan process, some antivirus programs may allow users to change the intensity of the scan. 



Some programs of antivirus might not provide you to change scene intensity. In this case the steps will not work for your computer and antivirus program.

  • Right click the icon associated with the antivirus program and open the antivirus program.
  • In the menu, Open properties, settings, control center or something similar.



You may also be able to double-click the antivirus program icon in the Windows Notification Area to open the console.

  • Look for an Advanced Settings option or section, In the antivirus program’s console window. 
  • Here just search for ‘scan setting’ or ‘scan quality’ section.
  • To change the scan intensity to a lower setting or low memory usage option, checkbox or drop-down menu that allows you to change the scan intensity



Here we have explained what to do when ‘Computer Is Slow After Installing An Antivirus’. Hope this information will be helpful for you.