In this article, we will show you how to delete temporary files on your windows PC. By deleting the temporary files, you can make your computer run faster.

Table of contents

  • What are the Temporary files
  • How To Delete Temporary Files In Windows

            – Clear temp files with Disk Cleanup.

            – Remove temp files by cleaning your browser.

            – Delete temp files by finding huge files.

  • Why should I delete temporary files?
  • Is it safe to delete temp files?
  • Clean up temporary files on your Windows PC with AVG TuneUp



Temporary files take up space and slow down your computer. Sometimes it’s referred to as temp files.Temp files are files that your operating system only needed to exist temporarily while in use, but are now just wasting space.

Most of the temp files are stored in the windows temp folder. Temp files often have the extension.

TMP and are stored in the C:\Users\AppData\Local\Temp folder.

Most of the temporary files your system creates are automatically deleted or purged, but others can accumulate. When there are too many temporary files stored, you begin to run out of disk space and may even notice that your computer is running more slowly than usual. If that’s happening, then it’s probably time to clear out your backlog.

There are actually several different procedures that users can follow when they need to clear out an accumulation of temporary files. In this article, we’ll cover the following methods


We will tell you three ways so you can easily remove temp files in your windows 7, 8 and 10.

  • Clear temp files with Disk Cleanup.
  • Remove temp files by cleaning your browser.
  • Delete temp files by finding huge files.

We will explain more about these methods. These methods can help you identify where all the temp files are stored. Just follow these methods so you can safely and easily delete temp files as much as you can.

  • Clear temp files with Disk Cleanup (Windows 7,8,10)

Disk Clean-up is a computer maintenance utility included in Microsoft Windows designed to free up disk space on a computer’s hard drive.

Here’s how to set up a shortcut to clear temp files with Disk Cleanup

  • Right-click your Desktop and select New Shortcut in Windows 10, 8, 7, and XP. 
  • Then, Enter the following text:

%SystemRoot%\System32\Cmd.exe /c Cleanmgr /sageset:65535 &Cleanmgr /sagerun:6553

  • Now, click Next and give a name to  your new shortcut. 
  • Then, Right-click on your Desktop and select Run as Administrator.
  • Now, you need to select all the file types to remove, including every  type of temporary files. If you don’t know  what something is, just highlight it and read their description.
  • Then, Click OK to delete your selected file types.


Disk Cleanup can find temporary files in different locations, here’s how to remove them.

If you delete these files below it can free up a huge space. If you still want more cleaning there’s an app named  AVG TuneUp. It’s designed to scour every nook and cranny of your PC to find hidden temp file folders and remove other useless bloatware.


  • Temporary setup and program files, and other .TMP files.
  • Old CHKDSK files.
  • Setup logs.
  • Windows Update and Windows upgrade leftover files.
  • Windows Defender leftovers.
  • Temporary internet files and offline webpages.
  • System error memory dump files.
  • Windows error reporting files.
  • Thumbnails and user file history


Delete temporary files by cleaning your browser (Windows 7, 8, 10)

Browsers like Google Chrome, Firefox Mozilla have so many temporary files and other data, like cached websites, cookies, and your browsing history. 

Here’s how you can clean your browser’s data in Google Chrome for Windows 10

  • First, Open Chrome and then click the three dots in the upper-right corner.
  • Select History, and  then History again.
  •  From the left-side menu in the new tab Select Clear browsing data.
  • Now, Select which types of browsing data you want to delete.
  • Choose a time range from the drop-down menu, then click Clear data.


These are the common types of browsing data include

  • Cache
  • Cookies
  • History
  • Saved passwords


  • Cache

When you visit a website your browser stores the data so next time when you visit the same website again it loads these websites more quickly.

  • Cookies

Cookies are files created by sites you visit. They make your online experience easier by saving browsing information. With cookies, sites can: Keep you signed in. Delete cookies to free up space and protect your data.

  • History

When you visit a site your browser records the history. Your history has everything whatever you search. Don’t forget to clean your browser’s history when you let others use your computer.

  • Saved passwords

Browser let you save your password so when you are going to log in, your browser autofill these username and passwords. 


Delete Temporary Files In Windows By Finding Huge Files

There are large files like movies, TV shows, old design projects, video games you don’t play anymore, and so on are called temporary files. They are temporary because while you may have needed them before, you don’t need them now. so deleting these temp files may give you hundreds of gigabyte space. 


Delete temporary files by finding huge files in Windows 10 and 8

The process of searching and removing files in window 10 and 8 are the same.

  • Click on the file icon in your Taskbar and open window explorer.
  • If you can’t find Windows Explorer, then type Windows Explorer into the Start menu and it will open.
  • Click This PC and enter size in the search field.
  • Click Size in the top navigation panel and select Gigantic.
  • Delete some or all of the tmp files you find. But when you are going to delete the files keep in mind that there will be some system’s files too  that are important for your PC. So take care when deleting files. 


Delete temp files by finding huge files in Windows 7

  • Click on the file icon in your Taskbar and open window explorer.
  • Type size:gigantic into the search field, and then press Enter.
  • Take care when selecting files to delete, there are some important files too like system files. 



You have to delete temporary files to save some space and speed up your browser. It reduces the risk of errors, bugs, and crashes. If your storage is full you can’t save new files.

Low disk space makes your computer perform worse

Unwanted files can make Insufficient space that will make programs run slowly. It might increase the load time and you will see hundreds of error messages. 

For example window creates a “paging file” on your drive when your computer is low on RAM (random access memory) but if your hard drive doesn’t have enough space, window can not create more. And it can affect your computer’s  performance till you free up the space to upgrade your RAM.



The answer is Yes! You can safely delete temporary files from Windows. 

Sometimes these files are deleted automatically but sometimes it doesn’t so you can go and delete them by yourself.

Most programs will create temp files in a folder called C:\Users\AppData\Local\Temp.

Here your computer stores a lot  of your temporary files. Deleting these files are safe from AppData\Local\Temp folder 



AVG TuneUp keeps your computer free of unwanted bloat By automatically finding every bit of space-hogging junk on your PC,  including temporary files and so much more.

AVG TuneUp is a tool that deletes unnecessary files like temporary files, bloatware, browser data, and anything from your computer that is no longer needed.


Hope, now you understand ‘How to Delete Temporary Files on your Windows PC’. 

If you follow these several steps to deleting all these temp files from your machine then it will perform faster and your machine will have all the storage space that you need.