Table of contents

  1. Need To Restart
  2. Too Many Active Programs or Browser tabs
  3. Rogue Programs Hogging Processing Power
  4. Hard Drive/Memory Maxed Out
  5. Unnecessary Software Updates
  6. Too Many Apps Open Automatically When PC Starts
  7. Viruses Or In-Effective Anti Virus
  8. Running In Low Power Mode
  9. Too Many Browser Add-ons
  10. PC Being Used For Crypto Mining
  11. OS Visuals Too High
  12. Internal PC Dust
  13. Outdated Drivers
  14. Your PC May Be Too Old or out of Date
  15. PC Hardware Failure


Working with a slow computer can be seriously frustrating. Even if you’re fairly diligent with the maintenance of your laptop or PC, it’s surprising how quickly things slow down.

The frustration of these computer issues can add unnecessary stress to your workday, which isn’t ideal when there are other business-related tasks to worry about.

In this post, we reveal 15 things you can do to speed up a slow computer.

Need To Restart

Whenever your computer runs slow it means you need to restart it. Why? Because there are several programs running in the background and when you don’t close them, they start making trouble in your way. And your computer may experience slow down. So first Close all your programs and files, then restart your computer.

Whenever you install software or upgrade it. It will ask you to restart the computer so go for it.


Too Many Active Programs or Browser tabs

If you run so many programs at the same time and have so many tabs open in your browser it can reduce the memory and processing power available for your computer to allow seamless transition from program to program or tab to tab.

These open tabs and every open program takes up a certain amount of space on your Random Access Memory (RAM).

Open the tab that is important for you and close all the other tabs. If those tabs are also important for you then bookmark them. For programs, have only those you are using at the moment running, and once you are done shut each program down.

Rogue Programs Hogging Processing Power

There are some programs that run in the background. They are taking so much of your RAM’s memory and processing power. These programs could be the program that has an error and didn’t shut down completely or these programs stuck in a loop running in the background.


Follow these steps

  • For Windows: press (Ctrl+Alt+Del) to open the Task Manager.
  • For Mac: press (Cmd+Space, type ‘into spotlight bar’) to access the Active Monitor.

Press the CPU tab and now you will know which programs are running and how much processing power they are consuming. End tasks that are running but not being actively used will release the hogged processing power on your RAM.


Hard Drive/Memory Maxed Out

If your hard drive is 85% full it can reduce the speed of your computer by 50%. 

The virtual memory that wants to save temp files that facilitate the seamless running of programs is barely available. By programs, updates to applications, downloads, files of deleted programs, and temporary files, The drive space is mainly taken up. Those programs that require a lot of memory to run, are the biggest culprits. For example graphic design software like Photoshop or other industry-specific applications.


First, you have to check the amount of free space on your hard drive. 

  • For Windows: click on My Computer then right-click local disk C and go to properties.
  • For Mac: click on the Apple then select About this Mac.


This process can free up 20% of your disk space. But if it doesn’t then follow this

  • Empty your trash bin.
  • Run the disk cleanup utility available to delete temporary files and any other unnecessary files on your computer.
  • You can also download verified free programs that can effectively delete and clean up any baggage of unnecessary files on your computer.
  • Find a cloud storage service and store some of the big and necessary files on your computer there.

install additional RAM hardware to accommodate your needs if the RAM maxed out.


Unnecessary Software Updates

Software is very helpful; it can keep your installed applications running smoothly and securely. But some programs are automatically installed. They keep running in the background without any reason and taking up space. And it causes computer speed.

For this, you have to find a proactive maintenance solution that is suitable for our computer. This solution makes the necessary updates and patches for all your software when the machine is not in use.


Too Many Apps Open Automatically When PC Starts

When you start your PC every program that you download on your computer will come with a request for permission to run. That’s called a startup program. There are several programs automatically loading and running in the background as soon as you turn your PC on. This thing makes your computer slow.

So whenever you download any program make sure to uncheck the box that is giving the permission to run when your PC starts.


Or follow these steps

  • For Windows: Press CTRL+ALT+Delete and then select Task Manager. Go to your Start Up tab, right-click on the program you want to remove then select disable.
  • For Mac: go to either Login Items or Applications then uncheck the unnecessary programs.


Viruses Or In-Effective Anti Virus

Find out if there’s any virus or an ineffective antivirus that fails to detect the viruses that are attacking the computer. And this might be the reason your computer is running slow.

There are some viruses that are running in the background silently and eating your resources.

So you should download and recognized the antivirus programs as your cybersecurity tool. It will run a malware scan on your computer for viruses.


Running In Low Power Mode

If you use your laptop in power saving mode it can slow down your computer.

For this, 

  • Click on Control Panel, 
  • Choose Hardware and Sound, 
  • Select Power Options, 
  • Then click on Create a Power Plan.

You can see these three options there

  • High Performance, 
  • Power Saver, 
  • Balanced.
  • Now select ‘High Performance’ and enable it.


Too Many Browser Add-ons

If too many unwanted browsers are there it can be the reason for slowing down your computer. It enhances the browsing experience.

So first you have to Identify all the add-ons on your browser. Keep those that are important and disable those that are not.


PC Being Used For Crypto Mining

Sometimes your PC can be used to mine cryptocurrency without your knowledge or approval. It happens when you download any program that has malware embedded in the background to facilitate crypto mining through your computer.

And some websites have some code that is mine cryptocurrency on computers as long as the site is open.

When you don’t use any browser, shutdown it to prevent crypto mining through websites on your PC.

By searching for programs or tasks that are either suspicious or taking up processing power you can identify if your PC is being used for crypto mining or not,  when not in use on your Task Manager or Activity Monitor. So when you find a program or task just end it.


OS Visuals Too High

When your RAM is not big enough and you enable the visual effects of your computer, it can create an issue.  

Follow this:

  • For Windows: go to Performance Settings or Advanced System Settings depending on your Windows version, click on Adjust visual effects then select Adjust for best performance.
  • For Mac: go to System Preferences and uncheck the Animate Opening Application box.


Internal PC Dust

If you ignore the basic principles of proper ventilation, it may be the reason for slowing down your computer. In your CPU if dust is accumulated, it can prevent your processors from effectively cooling and prevent excessive heat from staying trapped inside your PC.

Do clear your computer’s dust to clear its air vents.


Outdated Drivers

The computer uses the drivers to communicate with hardware devices connected to it. If your driver is outdated the communication will most likely be faulty. And this is the reason your computer runs slow.

For the most recent drivers compatible, 

– browse the internet with your computer hardware, 

– then download it  

– Install them 

– or install driver updating software to locate and install the drivers for you.


Your PC May Be Too Old or out of Date

If you are using your computer for more than 5 years then slow running is a natural problem. Because of the frequent release of updates for programs, your computer will fail to meet the minimum requirements for certain updates leaving you to work with old and outdated programs.

Now you have only 3 solutions:

  • Purchase a new computer, 
  • Update your computer’s hardware,
  • Accept working with a slow computer.


PC Hardware Failure

RAM, CPU, and your computer’s hard drive are prone to damage. If it is not the issue that your computer is slow that means the problem is hardware failure.

In this case, you have to ask for the help of an IT expert.

Everyone knows how frustrating it is if the computer is slow.



These are the ’15 Reasons Your Computer Is Slow & How to Fix It’ but if you still face this problem ask for the help of an IT expert.