Table of contents

  • Guide to fixing slow startup
  • Why is my computer slow?
  • How to make my computer faster

Method 1: Disable Fast Startup

Method 2: Disable processes with high startup impact

Method 3: Make adjustments to your virtual memory

Method 4: Defragment your computer’s hard drive

Method 5: Update your graphics card drivers

Method 6: Make sure Windows 10 is updated to the latest release

Method 7: Perform a clean install of Windows 10

  • Conclusion


Windows 10 boot times are pretty impressive, but sometimes, boot time increases a lot. If your computer takes a lot of time to startup, it is possible that it has been corrupted by some malware or has way too many startup programs. Luckily, there are several ways to fix the Windows 10 slow boot times, and we will show you step-by-step how.


There are multiple reasons why your computer starts up slower and also there are multiple solutions to fix these issues.

There are some methods for you to improve the boot time of your devices.

Why is my computer slow?

A slow computer is often caused by too many programs running simultaneously, taking up processing power and reducing the PC’s performance. Some programs will continue running in the background even after you have closed them or will start automatically when you boot up your computer.

Here are some of the reasons that slow down your computer or PC.

  • Running out of RAM (Random Access Memory)
  • Running out of disk drive space  (HDD or SSD)
  • Old or fragmented hard drive
  • Too many background programs
  • Too many startup programs
  • Falling behind on Windows or driver updates
  • Malware or viruses
  • Special effects and visual features

Whenever you face this issue check the list and fu the list.



Let’s get started

Method 1: Disable Fast Startup

The first quick and easy method to solve the problem is to disable Fast Startup on your Windows 10 device. Fast Startup is a default enabled feature in Windows 10. It is supposed to reduce startup time by pre-loading some boot information before your PC shuts off. 

Now follow these step:

  • To bring up the Run utility, Press the Windows + R keys on your keyboard. 
  • Then, Type in “control” and click on the OK button. It will launch the classic Control Panel application.
  • Ensure that your view mode is set to either “Small icons” or “Large icons.” This is going to list all of the Control Panel items on one page.
  • Click on “Power Options.”
  • Click on the “Choose what the power buttons do” link from the left-side panel.
  • Click on the “Change settings that are currently unavailable” link. You may be prompted to enter administrator credentials.
  • Uncheck the “Turn on fast startup (recommended)” option and click Save changes. You can try and restart your computer to see whether or not the boot time has improved.


Method 2: Disable processes with high startup impact

You know what causes the issues that impact your boot time, it is a third-party application installed on your computer. So you need to turn off all the non-Microsoft startup processes. And then test them one by one to check which program is slowing down the boot time that much.

Follow these steps:

  • Right-click on your taskbar and choose “Task Manager” from the context menu.
  • If your Task Manager launches in the compact view, click on the “More details” option seen in the bottom left of the window.
  • Switch to the “Startup” tab at the top of the Task Manager window. Here, you can see all of the applications that start along with your computer at launch.
  • Click on an application that doesn’t have “Microsoft Corporation” stated in the “Publisher” column. You can also check the “Start-up impact” column and pick applications that have a high impact measurement.
  • Now, click on the “Disable” button in the bottom right of the window. The status of the application should change to “Disabled.”
  • Repeat this for every single non-Microsoft app, then restart your computer.

It will provide the ability to test if your boot times have gotten better.

After following this step, if you think that your computer boots up faster after disabling start-up applications, that means one of those applications caused the error. 


Method 3: Make adjustments to your virtual memory

Virtual memory can cause issues with your system’s resources. It will directly impact your boot time that can slow down your computer when turned on and restart.

Here’s how you can fix this problem:

  • Press the Windows + R keys on your keyboard at the same time to bring up the Run application.
  • Type in “sysdm.cpl” and press the OK button. The System Properties window will open.
  • Switch to the “Advanced” tab.
  • Click on the “Settings” button in the “Performance” section. A new window should open up titled “Performance Options.”
  • Switch to the “Advanced” tab.
  • Click on the “Change” button.
  • Uncheck the “Automatically manage paging file size for all drives” option.
  • Select “Custom size,” then set the “Initial size” to “1000” and “Maximum size” to “8192.” Click the OK button to finalize your changes.
  • Use the automated prompt and restart your computer then check if your boot time has gotten faster.


Method 4: Defragment your computer’s hard drive

If those methods didn’t work then try this one.

  • Press the Windows + R keys on your keyboard to launch the Run utility. Here, type in “dfrgui” and press the OK button.
  • Select the hard drive you’d like to defragment, then click on the “Optimize” button. We recommend starting with the drive you have Windows 10 installed on, which is typically the “C:” drive.
  • Wait for the defragmentation process to finish. Afterward, you can optimize other drives and possibly further improve your boot times.


Method 5: Update your graphics card drivers

Always keep your drivers updated. It is very important. Because an outdated graphic driver may give you trouble and it will be the reason to slow down your computer.

Simply follow these steps to ensure you have the latest version of your driver.

How to automatically update the  graphics card drivers.

  • Press the Windows + X keys on your keyboard, then choose “Device Manager” from the context menu.
  • Expand the “Display Adaptors” section. You should see your graphics card listed here as a device.
  • Right-click on your graphics card and select “Update driver.”
  • Choose “Search automatically for updated driver software” and let Windows 10 automatically find the updated driver.

How to manually Update the graphics card drivers.

  •  Check what graphics card you’re using. If you don’t already know the exact model, follow these steps:

– Press the Windows + R keys on your keyboard to bring up the Run utility. Here, simply type in “dxdiag” and press the OK button.

– The DirectX Diagnostic Tool should open up on your screen. Use the header menu to switch to the “Display” tab.

– In the “Device” section, check “Name.” You should be able to see the manufacturer and graphic card model. Keep this in mind for the next steps.

  • After you’ve identified your graphics card, head over to the manufacturer’s website and locate a download page dedicated to drivers. We’ve compiled a list of some popular graphics card brands with links to their download page
  • Intel Drivers & Software page
  • NVIDIA Driver download page
  • AMD Drivers and support page
  • Find your graphics card using the built-in search function, then download its latest driver compatible with your system.
  • Install the latest driver by double-clicking on the downloaded file, then following the on-screen instructions.


Method 6: Make sure Windows 10 is updated to the latest release

upgrading to the newest Windows 10  can fix known bugs and bring you new and exciting features, patch up security holes, and much more.

Follow these steps to update Windows 10:

  • Click on the Start menu and choose “Settings.” You can alternatively use the Windows + I keyboard shortcut as well.
  • Click on the “Update & security” tile.
  • Stay on the default “Windows Update” tab.
  • Now the “Check for updates” button. When an update is found, click on the “Install” button and wait for Windows 10 to download and apply the update.
  • After that, Restart your computer after the update has been completed and see how long it takes to boot up.
  • We will suggest doing at least two tests, as after an update your system may still need to re-configure itself which makes booting slower.


Method 7: Perform a clean install of Windows 10

When you are dealing with serious system issues it will be a useful option. To fix messy problems some of the users turn to reset Windows 10 in an attempt to get a clean start and fix messy problems.

Here’s how you can reset Windows 10 while keeping all of your personal data.

  • Click on the Start menu and choose “Settings.” You can alternatively use the Windows + I keyboard shortcut as well.
  • Click on the “Update & security” tile.
  • Switch to the  “Recovery” tab.
  • You should see a header that says “Reset this PC.” Simply click on the “Get started” button under it.
  • Switch to the  “Recovery” tab.
  • There’s a header that will say “Reset this PC.” Simply click on the “Get started” button under it.
  • Choose whether or not you want to keep personal files. 
  • Both options mean that your applications will be removed, but you can easily keep personal documents safe.
  • Proceed with the on-screen prompts and reset your PC. 
  • You are able to see some improvement in the time it takes for your device to start up.


We have explained ‘How To Fix Slow Startup On Windows 10’. When you face this problem, use these multiple methods for the best result.