The Fire TV of Amazon will obtain the IP address and the DNS server from the router automatically that is connected to. If DHCP is enabled on the router. A static network is used sometimes. So when you want to assign a static IP Address manually and a DNS server address to your Fire TV. 


Follow these steps

  • Go to the home screen and then delete “Settings”.
  • Now open the Network.
  • If the network is listed that you want to connect then highlight the network and press “Menu” then “Select”.
  • You need to select “Join Other Network“.
  • The network that you want to connect to, type your SSID there. And then select “Next”.
  • You need to select the type of security used with the network you are connecting with and then you have to select “Next“.
  • Type the password to the network, if it is required. 
  • Then, Select “Advanced“.
  • The IP address that you want to use, type it manually and select “Next”.
  • For the Gateway of the network, type the address and select “Next”.
  • You need to type the Network prefix length then select “Next”.
  • For the first DNS server type the address and then select “Next”.
  • For the second, the DNS server type the address and then select “Next”.
  • Then you need to review the information and if it is okay then select “Connect” but if it is not then select “Previous” to get to the screen to make the correction.



Hope that now your Amazon FireTV has successfully connected to the network and it’s not using a statically set IP address and DNS server. But if it is not successfully connected then try these steps again to make sure if all settings are correct or not. 

If you still have any questions then contact us.